From Money to …What Exactly?

The new currency coined #T.P.C. — Temperance Post Corona

Sue Tewes
6 min readMay 13, 2020


What if…

… the old currencies were to be retired, mentally, at least?

The world of the past age, in the age before coronavirus, i.e. up an until this year 2020, everything was (past tense) about money.

In this first year of what I choose to call a New Age, #P.C., Coronavirus has changed the value and role of money irreversibly.

Society, governments and banks want to make us believe that we need money in order to achieve happiness, but the past has always taught us differently. As a matter of fact, quite the opposite presents itself to be true:

If you want to be a happy person, leave money out of the equasion. There are plenty of reasons to support this theory, just take a look around on Medium to enquire about some of them. You will find that the happiest people are those who have reached their personal equilibrium.

Why should we “retire” the old currencies?

The answer as to why we should all focus less on money is, on the one hand, because money can just literally be made up, created out of nowhere! This is usually done by those in power, but not by ourselves, the ordinary subjects, because we are not in power.

Powerful are those who have amassed plenty of money, in some cases by legal means, such as hard labour, inheritance, or good luck. Within this category of powerful people these are not the ones we should be worrying about. It is the other category of those that we should worry about, i.e. those who got rich by not quite so legal means, alas widely spread, such as corruption, oppression, exploitation, or banking and speculation, to name but a few.

The leverage effect money has on us as individuals is utterly, entirely, and inevitably subject to forces outside of your or my powers. The extent is so great that one might call this leverage effect arbitrary. Most of us have choices, e.g. in the best of cases, you get to choose your career. You may even get to live the American dream. Or any other dream, for that matter.

However, unless you invent your own currency, along with a society and a banking system adhering to your rules, you will not have the necessary powers over the mechanisms to make money work in your favour — and not just in favour of those.

One simple fact that supports the above point is the following: Even if you have made a real load of money, say, after winning the lottery, it is awfully hard work to make it last a lifetime, because as soon as you have more, you tend to spend more! Amateur’s mistake?

In other words, money will always be working in favour of those in power, and who already own most of it: Those owning the banks, those making the fortunes in big business, those pulling the strings.

Now, this is where Digitization comes into the equasion. Suddenly it has become possible for money to exist without even being printed. Some clever people suggested that we should get rid of hard cash altogether, and they have been trying to establish this conviction in the real world, or should I say, in the digital world, in the shape of cryptocurrencies for some time now.

What a great invention! - Nice try!

Us ordinary people, we have literally not been buying it — at least not to the extent in which those could do away with the traditional national currencies. However, we should all be aware that they will keep trying to reach this goal, because that is where the future of profits is to be found.

Ever since money extended beyond its original use and reason of being, which was to be exchanged instead of goods or services delivered, it has been tainting, poisoning, destroying, and ruining people’s lives, and matters, and inventions that could have turned out great. All for one simple reason: greed.

Let’s talk about capitalized GREED!

Apart from those with their hands on virtually all of the money there is to be had, there is the rest of us. We are the ones who seek to make a fortune, or at least a good living at some stage in our lives. The thing is, we have convinced ourselves that the greedy ones are those who already have loads of money, those who are pulling the strings, when really it is all of us who have fallen prey to this capitalized GREED. Therefore, it is us who should be blamed for our own financial misery we have been stuck in, day in, day out — not them.

Up and until the start of the New Age, this is the way it was! It can all be different now! I take my own advice seriously! I can suddenly see my own GREED and I will make the necessary changes, because nobody else will do it for me!

Every single one of us who has a mortgage, takes out a loan for a car, buys goods in instalments, uses credit cards and so on, is responsible for the system — which is inadvertently oppressing us — being able to run smoothly. We have become so greedy that we do not even care anymore, if we pass on debt to the next generation. As a matter of fact, we have been so busy trading in the world for our greediness, that it has become almost irreversibly damaged.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not letting those off the hook here, not at all. I am merely trying to open up our eyes to the other truth, the one that has become so clear now in this new age #Post Corona:

People embarked on the wrong path when trying to obtain wealth in terms of monetary currency, assets, or privileges! Or do you know anyone who has not felt the impact of our dependance upon the (monetary) system weighing us down? Do you know ANYONE whose amount of debt on their shoulders is not too much to carry, just the way the cross was too heavy a burden on Jesus’ shoulders? So, why keep chaining yourself to it?

The path, where money is no valuable currency anymore.

Now, in the year 1 #P.C., we get to change the course of history, our very own, very personal history!

During lockdown, governments have suddenly come up with such vast amounts of money to help out, without all the usual lengthy discussions. Everyone should be convinced by now that the inflation-deflation-bubble was created as a means of leverage by those who are pulling the strings.

Why should we believe - ever again — that there is not enough money for all the things that matter? Digitization has made it obvious: at the click of a mouse you can transfer all necessary wealth to ALL the people in need of it!

But no! The ones with their fingers on the mouse buttons are not about to do this! It would be too easy a solution, and one that does not secure any new profit margins.

Instead of the little “click” on the mouse button to release wealth into the world, the voices talking about recession are getting louder and louder.

“Take out loans to tie you over!” they susurrate.

“We offer credits at special “Corona” rates!” they proudly announce.

“Save the economy, support small businesses!” they suggest. (Why US, not YOU, I ask?)

“Spend money! — Spend money! — Spend money!” they keep whispering into everyones’s ears …

Whose are the above voices? Are they ours, or are they theirs?

OUR voices should now be yelling the following, and as loud as we can!

“STOP convincing me to spend money I have not even earned yet!”

“STOP believing in Growth Rate Formula!”

“STOP offering me things to buy on tick, so I can have my cake, and eat it!”

Last, but not least, I have done a full turn and I get back to the basis, which is back to asking myself the right questions, such as…

WHO am I willing to support, and for what reasons? WHAT do I really need?

WHO produces, buys and sells products and services the fair way?

WHAT does fair trade actually mean? WHY is it necessary?

WHO offers communal services, or just privileges to those who can pay for them?

CAN I really support the above wholeheartedly? Ethically? Financially?

The final conclusion summing up my words today is that the opposite of greed is temperance, so temperance shall be my new currency #T.P.C.= Temperance Post Corona!

I shall be trying to live my life accordingly, make it my set of rules to play by, and spend as little money as possible, so there is as little need as possible to earn more of it.

My thoughts in May of the year 1#P.C.




Sue Tewes

English — German — Spanish language trainer; wife, mum, cat-owner, horse-lover, founder of my very own NEW AGE #P.C. (Post Corona)